About Deb

Through training and experience as a spiritual care provider in an acute care hospital over the last 28 years, Deb has learned the art of providing a warm-hearted safe space for others to discover and process their deepest journeys, finding resilience and acceptance of what is. In 2010, she discovered the expressive arts as a means of inquiry, spiritual discernment and healing. She has developed what she calls “an arts-based spiritual care practice.”

She is now delighted to be moving beyond the hospital, sharing and developing workshops for the community!




  • 1987 Master of Divinity pastoral counselling major Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart Indiana.

  • 1994  Certified Spiritual Care Practitioner by Canadian Association of Spiritual Care.

  •  2012 Veriditas certified Labyrinth Facilitator.

  • 2014 Completed training at Prairie Institute of Expressive arts Therapy, Calgary, (Level 1 2011 and Level 2 2014).

  • 2017 Integrative Drum Circle Facilitator Training through Circle of Rhythms, Calgary Alberta


Why River’s Heart?

Water is the heart of the river. The source, the place it begins, is high up in the mountains or hills. It is melting snow, falling rain, or a spring that seeps up from within in the earth. All of us, people, animals, plants need water. Some people call it our life blood! When it runs down the hills, past trees, across prairies and reaches the ocean it collects into that place of depth and abundance. Just as the water circulates through the cycles of the earth, it is used to bring oxygen and nutrients throughout our bodies. It undergoes transformation, from condensation, to water, to ice and back again.

River’s Heart provides the conditions in which you can discover the life-giving source of your life, where you begin to discern what is deep within and where you experience transformation.